As of September 1, 1992, Randy Brown and Currents! Technologies! are no longer supporting CT Externals. The Currents! BBS is also no longer available for user support. Support and updating has been taken over by Chris Owen and Hubris Software. Support can now be obtained on Mulligan's Valley at (203) 772-4485. Callers should mention that they are calling for externals support in order to gain access to the appropriate forum.
The intention of Hubris Software is to continue supporting and improving the CT externals in the manner that Randy would have had he continued with them. With this goal in mind, all registered users can expect continued support on the new BBS. New versions of the externals will continue to be produced as long as users are willing to support them. Older versions of the externals can be found both on Mulligan's Valley and on Olympus. Version 2.0 updates can only be obtained on Mulligan's Valley (please see the enclosed announcement).
In the future, update pricing policy will be as follows:
Registered users of CT Packs 1 or 2 can obtain updates according to the same policy that Randy was offering this summer. Basically this amounts to a fee based on whether you registered one or both packs.
Users who have already paid the 2.0 update fee to Randy will continue to receive normal support and will be eligible for special pricing on future updates.
Users who either register or update to 2.0 with Hubris Software BEFORE November 15, 1992 can do so at a special price and will receive the next round of future updates FREE.
I think that this is a reasonable way to balance the interests of all involved parties. Please feel free to call the support BBS if you have any other suggestions.